We have prepared a standard text for therapists who want to inform a doctor or the Consultation Bureau of their diagnosis:
Measurement of Skull Flattening
I have measured the degree of skull deformation using the Skully Care app. With this app, a digital measurement can be made by taking a photo of babies between 0-12 months.
With the help of the app, the initial state and the progress is recorded.
The degree of plagiocephaly is indicated using CVAI (Cranial Vault Asymmetry Index). The CVAI scale ranges from 0% (no asymmetry) to above 11% (very severe asymmetry); the threshold value for plagiocephaly is 3.5%.
On date the CVAI for first name was __%. This indicates (no/mild/moderate/severe/very severe) plagiocephaly.
The degree of brachycephaly is indicated using CI (Cranial Index). The CI scale ranges from less than 90% (no brachycephaly) to greater than 100% (very severe brachycephaly); the threshold value for plagiocephaly is 90%.
On date the CI for first name was __%. This indicates (no/mild/moderate/severe/very severe) brachycephaly.