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Welcome to the webinars
of Skully Care
Free, live introductions to Skully Care.
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MAR 11 DECEMBER | 2022 | FR
Webinar : comment mesurer et traiter la plagiocéphalie et la brachycéphalie avec Skully Care
Traitez-vous des bébés atteints de plagiocéphalie ou de brachycéphalie ? On 06-12-2022, Skully Care organizes a free webinar on the plagiocéphalie and brachycephalic methods, the risk factors, the preference and the application method of Skully Care.
JUE 1 DECEMBER | 2022 | ES
Webinar: about the media and treatment of plagio and braquicefalia with Skully Care
¿Está tratando a bebés con plagio/braquicefalia? El 01-12-2022, Skully Care organized a web seminar free of charge regarding the etiologÃa de la plagio- y braquicefalia, los factors de riesgo conocidos, su prevalencia y cómo la aplicación Skully Care puede ayudarle.
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