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How is your baby active when lifting? Preferred side RIGHT


Does your baby have right positional plagiocephaly? This exercise teaches you about how your baby is active and moves while being lifted and carried.

Guide to Lifting and Laying Down a Child Who Prefers Looking to the Right

Hello, everyone! Today, I'll discuss the proper technique for lifting and laying down a child, especially one who tends to look more often to their right side. Traditional lifting methods usually involve lifting the child directly towards you. Although this is straightforward, it's also a rather passive way of lifting. I'll show you a more active approach that encourages the child to use their head muscles, which is beneficial for head balance and encouraging the child to look to the left as well.

Lifting Technique

  1. Initial Position: Place your hands symmetrically along the child's flanks, going up to the armpits.

  2. Rotation: Lift one hand slightly to turn the child's chest against your other arm. Their body should rotate until they align with your right wrist.

  3. Support and Lift: Next, slide your other hand under the child's buttocks for support, and then lift them into your arms.

Laying Down Technique

Laying the child back down is a similar process.

  1. Let Them Sit: Start by letting the child sit for a moment, well-supported around their torso.

  2. Move Aside: Gently move the baby to the side to lay them down.

  3. Control the Head: As you complete the motion, make sure the child's head does not hit the bottom layer too quickly. They can then continue to play or rest on their back.


Here's the lifting process one more time:

  1. Hands on Flanks: Place your hands in the flanks of the child, with your thumbs at the front and your fingers at the back.

  2. Lift to the Side: Lift one hand so that it first goes to the side and then slightly further, aligning with your forearm just under their arms.

  3. Stabilize and Lift: Once you feel that the child is stable, support them under their buttocks and lift them into your arms like holding a cup.


This technique helps in multiple ways. It's not just about lifting and laying down; it's also about encouraging healthy head balance and promoting the child's comfort and well-being. Good luck practicing!

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